Sunday, November 13, 2011

Love yourself to the CORE!

 Here's a link for some abdominal and strong mid-lower back exercises that I am loving right now! I do love to mix it up and keep challenging every (well, most) womens problem area...
Be sure to look for the open knee tucks and weighted bicycle and always have good form!


feel free to try them and give me feedback on your favorites!

Friday, November 11, 2011

MY First Post =)

Being the typical Pisces, I was born to be creative! Whether it was drawing/painting (my mother wanted me to be an artist because I was a good drawer at age 10), music ( I played the trumpet for a whole 2 years), writing ( I was really good at writing in school, and not just writing notes in class), and of course dance (which was my all time fav in the arts), I love a creative outlet!

Being active + Being creative = Exercise Specialist.....MY DREAM JOB!

With my dream job intact, I figured it was time to begin a blog as a creative and informative outlet to share my ideas, concepts, likes, dislikes, workouts, achievements, failures (which are only failures if you do not learn from them), and anything else that someone can learn from the trials and tribulations of a gal just trying to be FIT....and STAY FIT!